A mostly chronological selection of apps I've worked on over the last ~10 years.

Breaks is a simple pomodoro/focus timer for iOS. I like to use timed work sessions, but I didn't like any of the existing apps out there. They were all way too complex for my use case. I made Breaks to scratch my itch with the minimal feature set and released it for free.
- Company: Self
- Platform: iOS
- Role: Sole Developer/Designer
- Years: 2023
- Links:, App Store

Rewatch: iOS

Rewatch is a secure, private video channel for all your company's videos. It stores, indexes, and transcribes all your videos so you can organize and manage it. I developed the companion iOS app from scratch to allow you to access all your Rewatch content on iPhone and iPad, get push notifications, as well as record and upload videos from mobile.
- Company: Rewatch
- Platform: iOS
- Role: Lead Developer
- Years: 2021-Present
- Links:, App Store


HEY is a brand-new take on email. I lead the development of the iOS app for iPhone and iPad and was responsible for all things iOS related, everything from architecture to developing new features, building APIs, the syncing system, and helping to decide what we should work on. HEY was named by Popular Science as one of the 100 greatest innovations of 2020, and by Fast Company as one of the top 15 productivity apps of 2020.


Whirl is a simple sketching app I built to scratch my own itch. I sketch a lot on my iPad with the Apple Pencil and wanted something that was specifically designed as a scratchpad instead of a notebook. Whirl is designed for ephemeral sketching where you want to sketch something quickly and share it, and you don't care about keeping it around forever, so you can only ever have one sketch at a time.

Basecamp 3

Basecamp 3 was the third major version of Basecamp to be released. The iOS team wrote a brand new app for iPhone and iPad in Swift taking everything we learned from Basecamp 2 and improving it while expanding our hybrid architecture. This was the first version of Basecamp to be launched on web, iOS, and Android on day one.
- Company: Basecamp
- Platform: iOS
- Role: Lead Developer
- Years: 2014-2019
- Link:, App Store

Basecamp 2

When I joined 37signals Basecamp, there was no iPad version of the app. My first task at the company was to develop the iPad version which ended up being a complete rewrite of the original MacRuby app in Objective-C. The iPad version was later expanded to replace the existing iPhone app as well.
- Company: Basecamp
- Platform: iOS
- Role: Senior Developer
- Years: 2013-2014
- Link:, App Store

CloudApp 2

I worked with the Cloud App team as a macOS developer to develop a brand new app from scratch for v2. That was the first version of CloudApp to expand beyond the menu bar, featuring a full UI where you could see all your drops, get links for past drops, edit drops and more. We also developed "instant drop" as way to get the link for the drop before it even finished uploading.
- Company: CloudApp
- Platform: macOS
- Role: Developer
- Year: 2012-2013
- Link:


Flint was a popular native client I built for 37signals' Campfire service. At first it was just the macOS app and then later was joined by an iOS version as well.
- Company: Giant Comet
- Platform: macOS, iOS
- Role: Developer & Designer
- Years: 2011-2013
- Link:

QLab Remote

QLab is a world-class macOS app for sound, video, and lighting control for theatres. I built the first version of QLab Remote alongside the development of QLab 3 on macOS. This iOS app lets users make live changes to their QLab workspaces anywhere in the theatre, giving users ability to make changes in the exact environment it will be used.
- Company: Figure53
- Platform: iOS
- Role: Developer & Designer
- Year: 2011-2013
- Link:


QCart was a soundboard app for macOS built on the QLab sound engine. You could load up a bunch of sounds with custom effects and trim directly in the UI withou editing the sound file. Sounds could be triggered via mouse, keyboard, or MIDI. The QCart features were later rolled directly into QLab 4.
- Company: Figure53
- Platform: macOS
- Role: Developer & Designer
- Year: 2011-2013
- Link:


Hues is color picker app I built on top of the standard Mac OS X color picker that allows you to grab the color of any pixel on your screen and get the color value in various formats needed for design and development work.
- Company: Giant Comet
- Platform: macOS
- Role: Developer & Designer
- Year: 2010-2012
- Link:


Crosshairs is a screen ruler app I built for quickly getting the dimensions of anything on your screen. You can drag a transparent overlay overtop of any app and adjust the box as much as you need. I was tired of taking a screenshot to get dimensions and wanted something fast and dead-simple.
- Company: Giant Comet
- Platform: macOS
- Role: Developer & Designer
- Year: 2010-2012
- Link:


Jambalaya is a word game I developed at Fastspot, initially for iPad. I brought the idea for the app to the company in the months leading up to the launch of the first iPad and we built the app without ever touching or seeing a physical iPad. It went on to win Webby along with various other awards.
- Company: Fastspot
- Platform: iOS
- Role: Developer
- Year: 2011
- Link:

These are the highlights, but there were others. Some I've forgotten, some I'd like to forget :) Apologies for the quality of some of the images, many of these screenshots were gathered much later and taken before retina screens existed 😬.