
Hi, I’m Zach Waugh, a software engineer living in Baltimore, MD. I’ve worked with a variety of languages and platforms over my career, but my passion for the last 10 years has been building for Apple platforms, mostly focused on iOS. I consider myself a product engineer, my focus is always on the details that make a great product that goes beyond just writing good code.

Currently, I’m a Staff Engineer at Rewatch where I work on the iOS app and macOS screen recorder. Prior to that, I was Lead iOS Developer at Basecamp, responsible for the development of all their iOS apps, including HEY and Basecamp 3. Before Basecamp, I made a popular native Campfire client for macOS and iOS called Flint, built v2 of CloudApp for Mac, and much more. See all my work for the nitty gritty.

After a hiatus of a few years, I started working on my own side projects again. I’m currently working on Breaks, a focus timer for iOS. Before that, I released Whirl to scratch my own itch for a dead-simple sketching app.

When I’m not working and get a moment of free time (which is rare since I have two kids), I’ve been trying to perfect a Neopolitan style pizza.

Pepperoni pizza coming out of an Ooni oven
Pepperoni pizza coming out of an Ooni oven


Twitter or Mastodon is the best place to get in touch or follow what I’m working on — @zachwaugh or @zachwaugh@mastodon.social. You can also find all my open-source code on GitHub. I’m don’t spend much time on LinkedIn, but I’m there too.

Always feel free to email me directly hello@zachwaugh.com with any questions or just to say hello, I always love to connect with new people.