Fixing Twitter for Mac's Spaces bug

Twitter for Mac (2.0.2) has a bug where it remains on every space when you change spaces. Even worse, it remains on every space even if you have it set to always stay on a particular space. The only fix I found was to go into the Spaces preferences, and change it’s space to a random space, then back to the one you actually want it on after it’s running. It only takes a few seconds, but it’s really annoying. I wrote a AppleScript to automate this which I run from Alfred, quick and painless.

tell application "System Events"
  set x to application bindings of spaces preferences of expose preferences
  set x to {|com.twitter.twitter-mac|:3} & x -- 3 is any space you don't want twitter on 
  set application bindings of spaces preferences of expose preferences to x
  set x to {|com.twitter.twitter-mac|:4} & x -- 4 is the space you want twitter to be on
  set application bindings of spaces preferences of expose preferences to x
end tell

You’ll have to modify it slightly for your own setup. Hopefully this will be fixed in the next release. Also, I never ever use AppleScript and just managed to throw that together, so please let me know if there is a better way.

Update: The spaces bug was fixed in Twitter for Mac 2.1 so make sure to update to the latest version if you’re still having issues.